Ayum amarulagum * thunjchilum nI thunjchAyAl **
nOyum payalaimaiyum * mIdhUra emmE pOl *
nIyum thirumAlAl * nenjcham kOtpattAyE 1
O white egret, flapping over brackish waters! Even if my mother and the godly world sleep, you do not go to sleep, Are you tool, like me, forsaken by the Lord, -spouse of Lakshmi, -and left to pale and sicken?
kOtpatta sindhaiyaiyAyk * kUrvAya anRilE! *
chEtpatta yAmangkaL * sErAdhu irangkudhiyAl **
Atpatta emmE pOl * nIyum aravaNaiyAn *
thAtpatta thaNthuzhAyth * thAmam kAmutRAyE 2
O Poor stork! Are you too, like me, caught in the Lord's net Keeping awake through lean hours and calling piercingly, did you too seek the cool Tulasi garland, from the feet of the Lord reclining on the serpent couch?
kAmutRa kaiyaRavOdu * ellE! irAppagal *
nImutRak kaN thuyilAy * nenjchurugi EngkudhiyAl **
thImutRath thennilangkai * UttinAn thAL nayandha *
yAmutRadhu utRAyO? * vAzhi kanaikadalE! 3
O Siste, Roaring sea! Have you no sleep? You lament night and day in a heart-rending roll. I desired the Lord's feet who consigned the Southern Lanka to flames; is your plight the same as mine?
kadalum malaiyum * visumbum thuzhAy em pOl *
sudarkoL irAppagal * thunjchAyAl thaNvAdAy! **
adalkoL padaiyAzhi * ammAnaik kANbAn nI *
udalam nOyutRAyO? * UzhithORUzhiyE 4
O cold wind blowing through oceans, over mountains, and in the sky! Through bright days and nights, like me, you have no rest. Do you too wait age after age and sicken with grief to see the fierce discus-bearing Lord?
UzhithORUzhi * ulagukku nIr koNdu *
thOzhiyarum yAmum pOl * nIrAy negizhkinRa **
vAzhiya vAnamE! * nIyum madhusUdhan *
pAzhimaiyil pattu avankaN * pAsaththAl naivAyE? 5
O Blessed clouds, bringing water to the world! Age after age, like me and my sisters, you melt, were you too caught in the Lord Madhusudana's vice and made to suffer the pangs of love?
naivAya emmE pOl * nALmadhiyE! nI innAL *
maivAn iruL agatRAy * mAzhAndhu thEmpudhiyAl *
aivAy aravaNai mEl * Azhip perumAnAr *
meyvAsagam kEttu * un meynnIrmai thOtRAyE? 6
O Crescent Moon! Today you do not dispel darkness. Like hapless me, you too are warning, day by day. Did you believe as true the words of promise made by the discus Lord, sleeping on a serpent couch?
thOtROm madanenjcham * emperumAn nAraNaRku * em
AtRAmai solli * azhuvOmai nI naduvE **
vEtROr vagaiyil * kodidhAy enaiyUzhi *
mAtRANmai nitRiyO? * vAzhi kanai iruLE!
O Engulfing darkness! Having lost my frail heart to my Lord, I weep and lament my unbearable lot. Alas, you are more cruel than my worst enemy; how long will you confront me? May you win!
iruLin thiNivaNNam * mAnIrkkazhiyE! pOy *
maruLutRu irAppagal * thunjchilum nI thunjchAyAl **
uruLum sagadam * udhaiththa perumAnAr *
aruLin perunasaiyAl * AzhAndhu nondhAyE?
O salty stream, flowing like molten darkness! Even if night and day find their ends, you do not rest. Are you too forlorn through the pain of separation? Did you seek the grace of the Lord who smote the cart?
nondhArAk kAdhal nOy * mellAviyuL ularththa *
nandhA viLakkamE! * nIyum aLiyaththAy **
senthAmaraith thadangkaN * sengkanivAy emperumAn *
andhAmaththaNthuzhAy * AsaiyAl vEvAyE? 9
O, Lamp eternal, My poor dear! Your soul dries and your body buns, suffering unbearable grief through love-sickness. Did you too eek the cool Tulasi garland adoming the Lord of large lotus eyes and coral lips?
vEvArA vEtkai nOy * mellAviyuL ularththa *
OvAdhu irAppagal * unpAlE vIzhththozhindhAy **
mAvAy piLandhu * marudhidai pOy maNNaLandha *
mUvA mudhalvA! * ini emmaich sOrElE 10
O Youthful Lord! You ripped the horse's jaws, pierced many trees and measured the Earth! With the raging fire of love-sickness, incessantly, You have scorched my frail soul within, by day and by night, and made me drop at your feet, I pray you, evade me no more!
* sOrAdha epporutkum * AdhiyAm sOdhikkE *
ArAdha kAdhal * kurugUrch sadakOpan **
OrAyiram sonna * avatRuL ivai paththum *
sOrAr vidAr kaNdIr * vaikundham thiNNenavE 11
This decad of the thousand songs by kurugur satakopan with insatiable love addresses the great Lord, the radiant first-cause of all, Those who master it will never depart from Vaikunta.
adivaravu: vAyum kOL kAmutRa kadal Uzhi naivAy thOtROm
iruL nondhA vEvA sOrA thiNNan
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