
* vaLavEzh ulagin mudhalAya * vAnOr iRaiyai * aruvinaiyEn
kaLavEzh veNNey thoduvuNda * kaLvA! enban pinnaiyum **
thaLavEzh muRuval pinnaikkAy * vallAnAyar thalaivanAy *
iLavEREzhum thazhuviya * endhAy! enban ninaindhu naindhE 1

Hapless me I saw the Lord of celestials, cause of the seven worlds, and faintly called, "O Rogue who ate butter by stealth", Then, "O strong herdsman who killed seven bulls for winning Nappinnai's Jasmine smile, O My lord".

ninaindhu naindhu uLkaraindhu urugi * imaiyOr palarum munivarum *
punaindha kaNNi nIr sAndham * pugaiyOdu Endhi vaNangkinAl **
ninaindha ellAp poruLgatkum * viththAy mudhalil sidhaiyAmE *
mananjsey njAnaththu un perumai * mAsUNAdhO? mAyOnE! 2

O My wonder Lord! You are the will and the seed of all creation, undiminishing, known to the heart alone! Sages and celestials faint in your contemplation. They offer worship with water, Sandal, incense, and flowers and count your glories with melting hearts, but never come to an end.

mAyOnigaLAy nadai katRa * vAnOr palarum munivarum *
nI yOnigaLaip padai enRu * niRai nAnmuganaip padaiththavan **
sEyOn ellA aRivukkum * thisaigaL ellAm thiruvadiyAl
thAyOn * ellA evvuyirkkum thAyOn * thAnOr uruvanE 3

You created the sages and the celestials, even the four-faced Brahma, and gave him the power the make the wombs of all creation. Lord who stepped over all creation and measured the Universe, you are compassionate to all, like a mother to all beings!

thAnOr uruvE thani viththAyth * thannil mUvar mudhalAya *
vAnOr palarum munivarum * matRum matRum mutRumAy **
thAnOr perunIr thannuLLE thOtRi * adhanuL kaNvaLarum *
vAnOr perumAn mAmAyan * vaikunthan emperumAnE 4

The Lord of celestials, Lord of Vaikunta, my own Lord, himself became the cause of the three. –Brahma, Siva, Indra, -within him. He caused the celestials, and sages and the living, and all else to be, then appeared in the deep ocean sleeping on a serpent couch.

mAnEy nOkki1 madavALai * mArvil koNdAy! mAdhavA! *
kUnE sidhaiya undaivil * niRaththil theRiththAy! gOvindhA! **
vAnAr sOdhi maNivaNNA! * madhusUdhA! nI aruLAy * un
thEnE malarum thiruppAdham * sErumARu vinaiyEnE 5

O Madava, Lord bearing the fawn-eyed dame Lakshmi O Govinda, who straightened the bow-like bends of Trivakra's body! O Madhusudana, gem-hued Lor of effulgent celestials light, hear me! Grant that this hapless self attain your nectar lotus-feet!

vinaiyEn vinaithIr marundhAnAy! * viNNOr thalaivA! kEsavA! *
manaisEr Ayar kulamudhalE! * mAmAyanE! mAdhavA! **
sinaiyEy thazhaiya marAmarangkaL * Ezhum eydhAy! sirIdharA! *
inaiyAy! inaiya peyarinAy! * enRu naivan adiyEnE 6

O Madava, Lord who entered the cowherd-fold and became their chief! O Kesava, Lord of celestials, you are the medicine and cure for my despair! O Sridhara, you shot an arrow piercing seven dense trees! O Lord of many great acts and many names, I call and swoon calling you!

adiyEn siRiya njAnaththan * aRidhal Arkkum ariyAnai *
kadisEr thaNNanNthuzhAyk * kaNNi punaindhAn thannaik kaNNanai **
sediyAr Akkai adiyAraich * sErdhal thIrkkum thirumAlai *
adiyEn kANbAn alatRuvan * idhanil mikkOr ayarvuNdE? 7

My Lord, Tirumal, wearing the fragrant Tulasi garland! My Krishna, you release devotees from weed-like mortal bondage.Alas! when even great minds fall to understand him, I, of lowly intellect, weep to see him; can there be a greater folly than this?

uNdAy ulagEzh munnamE * umizhndhu mAyaiyAl pukku *
uNdAy veNNey siRumanisar * uvalaiyAkkai nilai eydhi **
maN thAn sOrndhadhuNdElum * manisarkkAkumbIr * siRidhum
andA vaNNam maN karaiya * neyyUN marundhO? mAyOnE!

O Lord who swallowed the seven worlds, and brought them out again! What a wonder, that you took birth as child Krishna, and ate butter by stealth, leaving not a trace behind! Was it expellant medicine for a little earth that had remained inside you?

mAyOm thIyavalavalaip * perumA vanjchap pEy vIya *
thUya kuzhaviyAy vidappAl amudhA * amudhu seydhitta
mAyan ** vAnOr thanith thalaivan malarAL maindhan * evvuyirkkum
thAyOn * thammAn ennammAn * ammA mUrththiyaich sArndhE 9

The peerless Lord of celestials, our Lord and protector is the spouse of Sri; a beautiful great form compassionate like a mother to all creation; with the innocence of a child he sucked the poisoned breast of the fierce ogrees putana, and drank her life to the bones.

sArndha iruval vinaigaLum sariththu * mAyap patRaRuththu *
thIrndhu than pAl manam vaikkath thiruththi * vIdu thiruththuvAn **
Arndha njAnach sudarAgi * agalam kIzh mEl aLaviRandhu *
nErndha uruvAy aruvAgum * ivatRin uyirAm nedumAlE! 10

The Vaikunta-Lord of effulge knowledge, beyond size and shope and situation, pervades all things and beings, as the indwelling spirit of all. Driving out my twin karmas, he cut as under my Maya-bonds, then made me set my heart on him, faithfully.

* mAlE! mAyap perumAnE! * mAmAyanE! enRenRu *
mAlEyERi mAlaruLAl * mannu kurugUrch satakOpan **
pAlEy thamizhar isaikArar * paththar paravum Ayiraththin *
pAlE patta ivai paththum * vallArkku illai parivadhE 11

This decad of the thousand songs of kurugur satakopan, praised by musicians, devotees and poets, a like fondly addresses the Lord of wonders, full of grace. Those who sing it will never suffer on earth.

adivaravu: vaLavEzh ninaindhu mAyOn thAnOr mAnEy vinaiyEn adiyEn
uNdAy mAyOm sArndha mAlE parivadhu

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